Prof. Dr. med. Ute Seeland, MD PhD, is professor for gender and sex-specific medicine and prevention at the medical faculty of the Otto-von-Gutenberg-University Magdeburg. She is educated in internal medicine and in non-invasive cardiovascular diagnostics. Ute Seeland has the recognition as Gendermedizinerin DGesGM® and she is the leader of the German Society for Gender Medicine and past-speaker for AG 28 of the German Society of Cardiology (DGK). Research assistant and lecturer at the Institute of Gender in Medicine, Charité-Medical University Berlin 2010-2020. Member of the ESC Task Force for the guidelines of cardiovascular disease in pregnancy 2011 and 2018. Specialties are gender & sex-specific research and medicine, prevention, microvascular diseases, arterial stiffness and education research. Ute Seeland is a cooperation partner in several studies with German and European universities.