Washington University, St Louis (United States of America)
Dr. John Gorcsan III is a Professor of Medicine and Director of Clinical Research, Division of Cardiology at Washington University in St. Louis. He has a special interest in cardiac mechanics in heart failure and advanced echocardiographic imaging technologies. He has extensively published in the scientific literature with over 200 manuscripts and has been supported by several awards from the NIH, AHA and ASE as Principal Investigator. He is Associate Editor for the Journal of Cardiac Failure, International Associate Editor of EHJ and Editorial Boards of JACC, JASE, and EHJ-HF. He served as Chairman of the National Scientific Sessions for the American Society of Echocardiography (ASE). He received the Simon Dack Award from ACC for Outstanding Scholarship. Richard Popp Excellence in Teaching Award from ASE, Sakamoto Lecture Prize and International Honorary Membership from Japanese College of Cardiology, and ASE National Mentorship award.