Speaker illustration

Doctor William Biao He

The Alfred Hospital, Melbourne (Australia)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr William Biao He is currently a medical resident undertaking basic physician training at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. Alongside his medical training, Dr He has been involved in multiple research projects with the Department of Cardiology at Alfred Health and the School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine. With particular interests in statin therapy, PCSK9 inhibitor therapy and their roles in primary and secondary prevention, Dr He hopes to continue his research into cardiovascular disease and aims to pursue a future career specialising in cardiology.

Desmoplakin cardiomyopathy presenting as fulminant myocarditis with negative endomyocardial biopsies

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Clinical

Session: All the facets of cardioimmunology


Comparing PCSK9 inhibitor prescription rates within high-risk populations: diabetes mellitus, multi-territory vascular disease, multivessel and recurrent coronary artery disease

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: Secondary Prevention

Session: Lifestyle, obesity, and dyslipidaemia


The effects of statins on cardiovascular and inflammatory biomarkers in primary prevention: A systematic review and meta-analysis

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Prevention

Session: Risk factors in coronary artery disease
