HFA Premium Access

The HFA Journal Club: the PUSH-AHF trial

5 June 2024, from 18:00 to 19:00

Organiser: Heart Failure Association of the ESC (HFA)
Topic: Treatment
Level: Subspecialty
Host: Doctor C. Kapelios (Athens, GR)
Speakers: Doctor H. Arfsten (Vienna, AT) , Professor M. Metra (Brescia, IT) , Assistant Professor J. Ter Maaten (Groningen, NL)

About the contributors

Doctor Chris Kapelios

Onassis Cardiac Surgery Center, Athens (Greece)

Role: Host

Doctor Henrike Arfsten

Medical University of Vienna, Vienna (Austria)

Role: Speaker

Professor Marco Metra

University of Brescia, Brescia (Italy)

Role: Speaker