About the speaker

Doctor Maria Sanz-de la Garza

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
11 presentations
1 follower

4 more presentations in this session

Long COVID: what exactly is it and is the heart involved?

Speaker: Doctor V. Tsampasian (Norwich, GB)


Long COVID in individuals who exercise: what should we know before they can safely return to exercise?

Speaker: Doctor V. Cornelissen (Leuven, BE)


Evidence-based management of long COVID

Speaker: Doctor E. Howden (Melbourne, AU)


Discussion – COVID-19 and cardiovascular health: putting the evidence together


Access the full session

COVID-19 and cardiovascular health: putting the evidence together

Speakers: Doctor M. Sanz-de la Garza, Doctor V. Tsampasian, Doctor V. Cornelissen, Doctor E. Howden

About the event


ESC Preventive Cardiology 2023

13 April - 15 April 2023

Sessions Presentations