ESC Professional Premium Access

Welcome and introduction.

Topic: Device Treatment
Organised by Charité Friends & Sponsors Trust - Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Impulse Dynamics

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Andrew Stewart Coats

Heart Research Institute, Sydney (Australia)
112 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Deploying device-based heart failure interventions: when guideline-directed medical therapy is not enough.

Speaker: Doctor M. Fudim (Durham, US)


Introduction to CCM: how does it work, and what can it do?

Speaker: Professor C. Linde (Stockholm, SE)


From referral to implant: implementing CCM into your practice.

Speaker: Associate Professor C. Israel (Bielefeld, DE)


Interactive panel discussion and conclusion.

Speaker: Professor S. Anker (Berlin, DE) Professor C. Linde (Stockholm, SE) Associate Professor C. Israel (Bielefeld, DE) Professor A. Stewart Coats (Sydney, AU) Doctor M. Fudim (Durham, US)


Access the full session

Cardiac contractility modulation: a proven device-based therapeutic approach to reduce hospitalizations and improve quality of life for patients with heart failure

Speakers: Professor A. Stewart Coats, Doctor M. Fudim, Professor C. Linde, Associate Professor C. Israel, Professor S. Anker...

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations