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Coronary CT angiography should be the first line investigation in a patient over 70 years with suspected angina: pro.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor David Newby

University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)
26 presentations

2 more presentations in this session

Coronary CT angiography should be the first line investigation in a patient over 70 years with suspected angina: con.

Speaker: Doctor D. Calnon (Columbus, US)


Coronary CT angiography should be the first line investigation in a patient over 70 years with suspected angina – the final word.


Access the full session

Great Debate: coronary CT angiography should be the first line investigation in a patient over 70 years with suspected angina

Speakers: Professor D. Newby, Doctor D. Calnon

About the event


ESC Congress 2022

26 August - 29 August 2022

Sessions Presentations