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The comparison of clinical features and clinical outcomes in stroke patients with atrial fibrillation and non-atrial fibrillation: a hospital-based stroke registry in Indonesia

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Doctor Niyata Hananta Karunawan

dr. Adhyatma MPH (Tugurejo) General Hospital, Semarang (Indonesia)
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Secondary prevention of cerebrovascular events in patients with "asymptomatic" atherosclerotic stenosis of the vertebral arteries and unfavorable prognostic factors of chronic cerebral ischemia

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Regular hours vs. on-call endovascular interventions for acute stroke treatment: initial single-center experience by interventional cardiologists

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Stroke ePosters

Speakers: Doctor N. Karunawan, Associate Professor D. Maximkin, Associate Professor D. Maximkin, Associate Professor B. Zhang, Associate Professor B. Zhang...

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ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

27 August - 30 August 2021

Sessions Presentations