About the speaker

Doctor Athena Poppas

Rhode Island Hospital, Providence (United States of America)
5 presentations
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3 more presentations in this session

Strategies for our future – Promoting balance in work and life for today and tomorrow.

Speaker: Doctor M. Valentine (Lynchburg, US)


Making the most of your career across your life span – Clinician heal thyself.

Speaker: Doctor D. Itchhaporia (Irvine, US)


Workplace challenges: a young cardiologist’s perspective

Speaker: Doctor H. Silvola (Oulu, FI)


Access the full session

It starts at the top - Leadership and clinician wellness

Speakers: Doctor A. Poppas, Doctor M. Valentine, Doctor D. Itchhaporia, Doctor H. Silvola

About the event


ESC Congress 2019

31 August - 4 September 2019

Sessions Presentations