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Correlates and hemodynamic determinants of ejection fraction using non-invasive impedance cardiography among ambulatory heart failure patients

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Fadi Khraim

Qatar University, Doha (Qatar)
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13 more presentations in this session

Pulmonary arterial hypertension center: difficulties and challenges in devolping countries from the aspect of the nurse

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"Heart failure: across-sectional study about quality of life, anxiety depresion and detection of possible health and cardiovascular problems"

Speaker: Mr R. Mesa Rico (Marbella, ES)


Myocardial viability testing: do patients need advanced imaging, or is resting echocardiography enough?

Speaker: Mrs S. Arnold (London, GB)


The integrated (md and nurse) management of the heart failure patient : a novel multi-professional training approach from an italian pilot study

Speaker: Doctor M. Barisone (Milan, IT)


Multi-morbidity and self-care in older patients with heart failure

Speaker: Mrs F. Forsyth (Cambridge, GB)


Access the full session

Poster Session 2 - Chronic Heart Failure – Treatment

Speakers: Assistant Professor F. Khraim, Mrs A. Ognjenovic, Mr R. Mesa Rico, Mrs S. Arnold, Doctor M. Barisone...

About the event


EuroHeartCare 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations