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Heart rate variability quality analysis is a strong 30-day mortality predictor in aortic stenosis patients underwent to valve repair procedure

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Assistant Professor Luis Fernando Deresz

Federal University of Juiz de Fora, Governador Valadares (Brazil)
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13 more presentations in this session

Prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in heart failure with preserved ejection fra tction: a retrospective cohort study.

Speaker: Mr F. Barros (Porto Alegre, BR)


Systemic vascular resistance during cardiopulmonary exercise testing: non-invasive assessment and correlation with functional capacity

Speaker: Doctor D. Lazzeroni (Parma, IT)


Cardiovascular screening in young italian athletes: a comparison between two different exercise test for arrhythmia detection

Speaker: Doctor G. Quinto (Padova, IT)


The exercise capacity and chronotropic incompetence in the patients with mitral valve surgery

Speaker: Doctor M. Kanazawa (Morioka, JP)


Comparison of percent-predicted equations for peak oxygen consumption in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction

Speaker: Doctor A. Silveira (Porto Alegre, BR)


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Poster Session 2 - Exercise Testing

Speakers: Assistant Professor L. Deresz, Mr F. Barros, Doctor D. Lazzeroni, Doctor G. Quinto, Doctor M. Kanazawa...

About the event


EuroPrevent 2019

11 April - 13 April 2019

Sessions Presentations