ACVC Premium Access

The trial of the trial: Assessing GLOBAL LEADERS innovations, limitations and implications for clinical practice - Conclusion.

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Marco Valgimigli

Cardiocentro Ticino Institute, Lugano (Switzerland)
31 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

The trial of the trial: Assessing GLOBAL LEADERS innovations, limitations and implications for clinical practice - Introduction.

Speaker: Professor P. Vranckx (Hasselt, BE)


Design, statistics, and pitfalls of a pragmatic clinical trial.

Speaker: Professor K. Rowan (London, GB)


What are the implications of GLOBAL LEADERS for clinical practice?

Speaker: Professor K. Huber (Vienna, AT)


Compliment the Investigators Assessment: the GLOBAL LEADERS Adjudication SubSTudy.

Speaker: Associate Professor A. Franzone (Naples, IT)


Access the full session

The trial of the trial: Assessing GLOBAL LEADERS innovations, limitations and implications for clinical practice

Speakers: Professor M. Valgimigli, Professor P. Vranckx, Professor K. Rowan, Professor K. Huber, Associate Professor A. Franzone

About the event


Acute Cardiovascular Care 2019

2 March - 4 March 2019

Sessions Presentations