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Does Computed Tomography play a role to identify cardiac involvement and to guide therapy?

Topic: Cross-Modality and Multi-Modality Imaging Topics

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Jens Bremerich

Basel (Switzerland)
1 presentation
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3 more presentations in this session

Chemotherapy and the heart: what a clinician needs to know from imaging?

Speaker: Professor C. Manisty (London, GB)


Early detection of cardiac involvement with CMR mapping sequences, is it better than echo?

Speaker: Professor B. Velthuis (Utrecht, NL)


What can molecular imaging add to cardio-oncology?

Speaker: Professor J. Bucerius (Goettingen, DE)


Access the full session

Multimodality imaging in cardio-oncology

Speakers: Professor J. Bremerich, Professor C. Manisty, Professor B. Velthuis, Professor J. Bucerius

About the event


EuroCMR 2019

2 May - 4 May 2019

Sessions Presentations