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Body-weight supported running reduces exercise blood pressure

Topic: Cardiovascular Disease in Special Populations, Other

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Mr Tim Bruessau

Greifswald (Germany)
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5 more presentations in this session

Cardiovascular disease in special populations - Poster discussant:


Body-weight supported exercise reduces the metabolic demand during cardiopulmary exercise testing in untrained subjects

Speaker: Mr R. Oehring (Greifswald, DE)


Impact of cardiac rehabilitation on renal function and arterial stiffness in patients with coronary artery disease

Speaker: Professor N. Mouine (Rabat, MA)


Systemic inflammation in patients with arterial hypertension and diabetes mellitus type 2.


The effect of initial weight and weight gain in pregnancy on blood pressure control.

Speaker: Doctor E. Szczerba (Warsaw, PL)


Access the full session

Poster Session 3 - Cardiovascular disease in special populations

Speakers: Mr T. Bruessau, Mr R. Oehring, Professor N. Mouine, Doctor E. Szczerba

About the event


EuroPrevent 2018

19 April - 21 April 2018

Sessions Presentations