About the speaker

Doctor Maria Sanz-de la Garza

Hospital Clinic of Barcelona, Barcelona (Spain)
11 presentations
1 follower

12 more presentations in this session

E-cardiology / digital health, public health, health economics, research methodology - Poster discussant:


A sustainability and cost-effectiveness study of telecardiology in athletes' pre-participation screening programs in greece.

Speaker: Miss S. Karavasiliadou (Thessaloniki, GR)


Acceptability of internet-based cognitive behavior therapy for adults with depression and anxiety after a myocardial infarction: a mixed methods study

Speaker: Miss E. Wallin (Uppsala, SE)


HEARTMAN: protocol for a validation study of a wearable mobile device to improve disease management in patients with congestive heart failure

Speaker: Professor E. Clays (Ghent, BE)


A EUropean study on effectiveness and sustainability of current CArdiac REhabilitation programmes in the Elderly

Speaker: Doctor E. de Kluiver (Zwolle, NL)


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Poster Session 2 - E-cardiology / digital health, public health, health economics, research methodology

Speakers: Doctor M. Sanz-de la Garza, Miss S. Karavasiliadou, Miss E. Wallin, Professor E. Clays, Doctor E. de Kluiver

About the event


EuroPrevent 2018

19 April - 21 April 2018

Sessions Presentations