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Machine-learning characterization of myocardial deformation patterns to identify responders to resynchronization therapy

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Maja Cikes

University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Zagreb (Croatia)
63 presentations

5 more presentations in this session

State of the Art: does steel heal heart failure?

Speaker: Professor J. Cleland (Glasgow, GB)


Prognostic impact of electrocardiographic left atrial abnormality in patients with congestive heart failure treated with resynchronization therapy: experience from MADIT-CRT trial

Speaker: Professor P. Platonov (Lund, SE)


Effects of adaptive servoventilation to treat central sleep apnea in heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction on exercise capacity and mortality: the Bad Oeynhausen ASV Registry

Speaker: Professor O. Oldenburg (Muenster, DE)


Lacking treatment effect of ICD in heart failure patients lacking ischemic heart disease and age? A meta-analysis and meta-regression focusing on moderators and the DANISH trial

Speaker: Doctor M. Thomsen (Copenhagen, DK)


Chronic heart failure: novel devices and interventions on the horizon

Speaker: Professor W. Abraham (Columbus, US)


Access the full session

Non-pharmacological treatment of heart failure

Speakers: Associate Professor M. Cikes, Professor J. Cleland, Professor P. Platonov, Professor O. Oldenburg, Doctor M. Thomsen...

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations