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Designing trials for devices in hypertension - What have we learned?

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Felix Mahfoud

University Hospital Basel, Basel (Switzerland)
39 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

State of the Art: device-based therapy for hypertension

Speaker: Professor M. Lobo (London, GB)


Efficacy and safety results of endovascular baroreflex amplification (EBA) for resistant hypertension (CALM-FIM studies): a safety and proof-of-principle cohort study.

Speaker: Doctor W. Spiering (Utrecht, NL)


Sham or no-sham control in trials of renal denervation for treatment resistant hypertension: a systematic meta-analysis

Speaker: Doctor F. Fadl El Mula (Riyadh, SA)


Validating renal nerve stimulation-induced blood pressure changes as a predictor of clinical response to renal sympathetic denervation

Speaker: Doctor M. de Jong (Zwolle, NL)


Access the full session

Device-based therapy for hypertension - Where next?

Speakers: Professor F. Mahfoud, Professor M. Lobo, Doctor W. Spiering, Doctor F. Fadl El Mula, Doctor M. de Jong

About the event


ESC Congress 2017

26 August - 30 August 2017

Sessions Presentations