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Differential microRNA-21 and microRNA-133 gene expression levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells from patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Associate Professor Maria Marketou

University Hospital of Heraklion, Heraklion (Greece)
7 presentations

9 more presentations in this session

Right atrial remodeling and galectin-3 are associated with functional capacity in patients with pulmonary arterial hypertension

Speaker: Doctor L. Gabrielli (Santiago, CL)


Interatrial electromechanical delay assessed by tissue doppler imaging can separate adults with prehypertension from healthy normotensive controls.

Speaker: Doctor D. Djikic (Belgrade, RS)


Preliminary results of an extensive echocardiographic pacemaker optimization protocol for cardiac resynchronization therapy

Speaker: Doctor P. Barbier (Changchun, CN)


Left ventricular global and regional myocardial function in patients with double orifice mitral valve after radical correction on atrioventricular septal defect

Speaker: Associate Professor K. Hristova (Sofia, BG)


Improving quantitation of left ventricular ejection fraction in a tertiary echocardiography lab - marrying (or merging) guidelines and new technology

Speaker: Miss D. Erne (Woolloongabba, AU)


Access the full session

Poster session 4 - Assessment of morphology and function

Speakers: Associate Professor M. Marketou, Doctor L. Gabrielli, Doctor D. Djikic, Doctor P. Barbier, Associate Professor K. Hristova...

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2016

7 December - 10 December 2016

Sessions Presentations