About the speaker

Professor Thomas Hellmut Schindler

Washington University, St Louis (United States of America)
6 presentations
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4 more presentations in this session

Imaging and diagnosis: could we “EVINCI” the appropriate modality?

Speaker: Doctor D. Neglia (Pisa, IT)


Imaging and outcome: do we need “COURAGE” to keep “PROMISE” ?

Speaker: Doctor P. Cremer (Cleveland, US)


Emerging imaging: the “CE-MARK” ways.

Speaker: Professor S. Plein (Leeds, GB)


Panel discussion.

Speaker: Doctor D. Neglia (Pisa, IT) Professor S. Plein (Leeds, GB) Professor P. Kaufmann (Zurich, CH) Professor W. Jaber (Cleveland, US) Professor T. Schindler (St Louis, US) Doctor P. Cremer (Cleveland, US)


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Multimodality cardiac imaging trials in coronary artery disease: viewpoints “across the Ocean”.

Speakers: Professor T. Schindler, Doctor D. Neglia, Doctor P. Cremer, Professor S. Plein, Doctor D. Neglia...

About the event


EuroEcho-Imaging 2016

7 December - 10 December 2016

Sessions Presentations