Open Access

RAAS inhibition in heart failure: are we hitting the target?


Topic: Heart failure, other
Organised by Lorraine University / Course Director: Dr. Faiez Zannad / Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from AstraZeneca

Congress Presentation

About the speaker

Professor Stefan Anker

Charite University Hospital, Berlin (Germany)
172 presentations

4 more presentations in this session

Introduction - Optimizing RAAS inhibitor therapy in heart failure and resistant hypertension: challenges and solutions.

Speaker: Professor F. Zannad (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, FR)


Optimizing therapy for the management of resistant hypertension: time to focus on potassium?

Speaker: Professor L. Ruilope (Madrid, ES)


Hyperkalemia: novel treatment strategies to manage potassium levels.

Speaker: Doctor M. Kosiborod (Kansas City, US)


Panel discussion - Optimizing RAAS inhibitor therapy in heart failure and resistant hypertension: challenges and solutions.

Speaker: Professor F. Zannad (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, FR) Professor S. Anker (Berlin, DE) Professor L. Ruilope (Madrid, ES) Doctor M. Kosiborod (Kansas City, US)


Access the full session

Optimizing RAAS inhibitor therapy in heart failure and resistant hypertension: challenges and solutions

Speakers: Professor S. Anker, Professor F. Zannad, Professor L. Ruilope, Doctor M. Kosiborod, Professor F. Zannad...

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations