ESC Premium Access

Secondary mitral regurgitation in very low ejection fraction: surgery, clipping or what else? - Panel discussion and questions from the audience

Topic: Percutaneous / endovascular treatment

Congress Presentation

7 more presentations in this session

Open issues in valvular heart disease - Introduction to the session

Speaker: Professor J. Pomar Moya-Prats (Esplugues De Llobregat, ES)


Late triscupid regurgitation after left sided valve surgery - Clinical case

Speaker: Associate Professor M. De Bonis (Milan, IT)


Late triscupid regurgitation after left sided valve surgery - Panel discussion and questions from the audience


Secondary mitral regurgitation in very low ejection fraction: surgery, clipping or what else? - Clinical case

Speaker: Professor C. Bouleti (Poitiers, FR)


A TAVI candidate with atrial fibrillation and high bleeding risk - Clinical case

Speaker: Professor M. Valgimigli (Lugano, CH)


Access the full session

Open issues in valvular heart disease

Speakers: Professor J. Pomar Moya-Prats, Associate Professor M. De Bonis, Professor C. Bouleti, Professor M. Valgimigli

About the event


ESC Congress 2016

27 August - 31 August 2016

Sessions Presentations