Associate Professor Arrigo Francesco Giuseppe Cicero
Alma Mater Studiorum, University of Bologna, Bologna (Italy)
Arrigo F.G. Cicero, MD, PhD, Board qualified in Clinical Pharmacology, Associate Professor of Human Nutrition by the University of Bologna, President of the Italian Nutraceutical Society (SINut), Member of the Board currently involved in different Clinical researches (Mono- and multi-centre clinical trials on dietary supplements and drugs) and epidemiological studies (mainly, the Brisighella Heart Study and its sub-studies), he is author of Author of more than 500 full scientific papers published on international press (among which 470 on Pub-Med, total 2020 IF>1900, Scopus h-index= 57), 12 full books, 20 chapters in national and international books, 21 full papers published on national and international congress proceedings, mainly in the fields of diet, dietary supplements, and preventive medicine. He is also member of the editorial board of Nutrients, JCM, Disease, High Blood Press Cardiovasc Dis. Frontiers Clin Diab and other international peer reviewed journals.