Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Adrian Tase

Emergency County Hospital Pitesti Arges, Pitesti (Romania)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Adrian G. Tase, MD, PhD, BA, FESC, FACC, FAPSC, currently serves as Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Pharmacology in the University of Pitesti, College of Medicine, as Founder, Head, and Managing Cardiologist in the Coronary Care Unit of the Emergency Hospital Prefecture Arges, Pitesti, and Consulting Cardiologist in MedLife Regional Hospital Piteşti, Romania. He graduated MD in UMPh Craiova (1984), and the Doctorate in Medicine in the UMPh 'Carol Davila' Bucharest (2005) in the field of Cardiovascular Pharmacology (RAAS modulation). Dr. Tase completed cardiology degrees in the Institute of Cardiovascular Disease 'C. C. Iliescu' Bucharest. Adrian Tase also graduated the Professional Diploma in Management at Codecs Open University, UK, as a Bachelor of Arts (2006). He also attended two communication courses in European Training Institute Brussels (2007, 2009). Assoc. Prof. Adrian Tase is a Fellow of the European Society of Cardiology (since 2007), Fellow of the American Coll

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