Speaker illustration

Doctor Sameer Mehta

Lumen Foundation, Miami (United States of America)

Sameer Mehta, MD, FACC, MBA, is a U.S. interventional cardiologist who is the Chairman of the Lumen Foundation, a nonprofit organization dedicated to saving lives from heart attacks and in creating population-based STEMI networks. He has presaged a new medical specialty of the STEMI Interventionist with his innovative work in performing angioplasty for treating heart attacks, and has pioneered the development of population-based heart attack programs in several countries including China, India, Brazil, Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Egypt, Thailand, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Colombia.

Advances in revascularisation strategies in patients with multivessel disease

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI)

Session type: Advances in Science


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