Yerevan State Medical University Hospital 1: University Cardiology Clinic, Yerevan (Armenia)
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Dr. Laura Sahakyan is an Associate Professor of Medicine at the Department of Cardiology, YSMU and a staff cardiologist at the Clinic of General and Invasive Cardiology, University Hospital N1. Dr. Sahakyan defended her PhD thesis on biomarkers and echocardiography parameters in heart failure. Her research interests focus on chronic heart failure, echocardiography, lung ultrasound, biomarkers, and cardiovascular pharmacology. Her clinical research training was done at Rikshospitalet University Hospital, Oslo, Norway. She was awarded a training grant from the European Association of Cardiovascular Imaging and completed the "3D and speckle tracking training program" at Istituto Auxologico Italiano, IRCCS, Milan, Italy. She had several Scientific Conference Presentations at the Heart Failure Congresses of the ESC and co-authored several peer-reviewed publications. She has served as a study coordinator and co-investigator for various International Multicenter Randomized Clinical Studies.