Speaker illustration

Doctor Juan Gomez-Mesa

Valle del Lili Foundation, Cali (Colombia)

Member of:

Heart Failure Association

Doctor Gomez-Mesa is Head of the Cardiovascular Unit at the Hospital Universitario Fundacion Valle del Lili, in Cali, Colombia. He is also Coordinator of the Heart Failure & Heart Transplant Service and the Anticoagulation Clinic at this Institution. He is the Coordinator of the Council of Heart Failure & Pulmonary Hypertension of the Interamerican Society of Cardiology. Co-Chair of the Heart Failure International Working Group of the ACC. He is the Coordinator of the Acute Heart Failure Registry in Colombia and the AMERICASS Registry (Registro Americano de Insuficiencia Cardiaca Aguda).

Heart failure in tropical and infectious disease

Event: Heart Failure 2018

Topic: Clinical

Session type: Symposium


Cardiomyopathies: what the clinical cardiologist should know about…

Event: Heart Failure 2017 - 4th World Congress on Acute Heart Failure

Topic: Cardiomyopathy

Session type: Symposium
