Speaker illustration

Associate Professor Morris Mosseri

Medical Hasharon, Kfar Saba (Israel)

Director of Cardiac Health Center at Medical Hasharon since 1.1.2019. Associate Professor in Medicine (Cardiology), Tel-Aviv University. Former professional and academic appointments: Head of Cardiology Division, Meir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba (2006-2018); Chair of the Israeli Working Group on Interventional Cardiology, the Israel Heart Society (2005-2009); Director of Interventional Cardiology and Excellence Center for Vascular Diseases at Hadassah Medical Center (2000-2006); Chair of the Internal Medicine Section, Hadassah Hebrew University Medical School (2000-2003); Graduated Medical School at Hadassah Hebrew University. Trained at Cardiology, Hadassah Medical Center, Jerusalem and St. Elizabeth’s, Tufts’ University, Boston, and as Research Associate at Washington DC Hospital Center. Published over 150 peer-reviewed articles in medical journals and 20 book chapters. Participated in over 50 international clinical studies.

The effect of BMI on statin-induced diabetes mellitus

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Bodyweight

Session: Dealing with metabolic disorders


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