Speaker illustration

Mr Nazzi Mbarek

Moulay Ismail Military Hospital, Meknes (Morocco)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Current Positions Private Sector Cardiologist President of Regional Cardiology Association President Elect of Moroccan Society of Cardiology Fellow of European Society of Cardiology Professional Experience April 2013 Private practice 1999-2000 Head of Cardiology Department Mohammed V Military Hospital Rabat 2000-2013 head of cardiology depatementMy Ismail Military Hospital Meknes 1996 Associate Professor Medical School Mohammed V University Rabat. Morocco 1993 Cardiology Department Assistant Professor 1989 Trainee Doctor Rabat DIPLOMAS 2021-2022 University Diploma of Multimodality cardiovascular imaging. Paris (France) 2020Congenital and Acquired heart disease in children Abulkasis University Rabat 2003 Inter-university diploma in Tobaccology and aid in Smoking Cessation Medical School Reims University (France). 1996 Associate Professor 1994 National Diploma of Cardiology Medical School Mohammed V university Rabat. Morocco spoken languages: French, english,spanish

Daily Highlights by the Moroccan Society of Cardiology

Event: ESC Congress 2024

Topic: European Society of Cardiology

Session type: Global Community
