De Haar Research Foundation, Heerhugowaard (Netherlands (The))
Member of:
Dr. Kharlamov has 28 years of clinical experience in general cardiology (since 1996; a Consultant Physician since 2007; a Board-Certified Cardiologist since 2010), 23 years of translational research in nanomedicine and biomedical engineering (since 2001), and about 17 years of bench-to-bedside studies in interventional cardiology and advanced cardiovascular imaging (a leader of the research group since 2007) including artificial intelligence/ digital medicine, vascular biology and pathology, RTD of medical devices (bioresorbable scaffolds and stents). Since 2007-2009, he has worked in some institutions in the Netherlands (UMC St Radboud, Nijmegen; UMCG, Groningen; Erasmus MC, Rotterdam) and Estonia. His ORCiD profile is, ResearcherID: I-3692-2015, SCOPUS author ID: 56721449700, NCBI/ PubMed profile: akharlamov@orcid.
Can we reverse atherogenesis with the eradication of toxic LDL-C? A comparative pooled analysis of selected therapies in quest of the revolutionary approach