Speaker illustration

Professor Laurent Fauchier

University Hospital of Tours, Tours (France)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
European Heart Rythm Association

Are we seeing a paradigm shift in anticoagulation? NOACs and factor XIa inhibitors

Event: EHRA 2024

Topic: European Heart Rhythm Association (EHRA)

Session type: Symposium


Practical management of alerts from remote monitoring

Event: EHRA 2024

Topic: Home and Remote Patient Monitoring

Session type: Guidelines in Practice


Device complications and lead extraction

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Device Complications and Lead Extraction

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Heart failure phenotypes, diagnostics, and outcomes

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Increasing the success of atrial fibrillation ablation: what can we do?

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Treatment

Session type: Practical Seminar


Defibrillator therapy without a lead in the heart

Event: EHRA 2023

Topic: Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD)

Session type: Symposium


Chronic heart failure - Epidemiology, prognosis, outcome 3

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Epidemiology, prognosis, and outcomes in heart failure: a potpourri

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Epidemiology, Prognosis, Outcome

Session type: Abstract Sessions


My way for safe and effective pacemaker therapy

Event: EHRA 2019

Topic: Antibradycardia Pacing

Session type: How To ...


Stroke, atrial fibrillation and anticoagulation

Event: ESC Congress 2018

Topic: Stroke Prevention

Session type: Symposium
