Grigorios Korosoglou is since January 2015 is the Chair of the Department of Cardiology and Vascular Medicine in the GRN Academic Teaching Hospital Weinheim. He received his training in the University of Heidelberg, Germany (Head of the Department: Prof. Dr. Hugo A. Katus). He has received his medical degree from the Justus-Liebig University of Giessen in 2000. In addition, he was a visiting scientist at the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA, from 2005 to 2007. He and his group have published over 200 peer-reviewed scientific articles in cardiac imaging, focusing on imaging of the atherosclerotic plaque and on the detection of myocardial ischemia. He is currently the elected Vice Chair (2018-2021) of the working group cardiac computed tomography and an elected nucleus member (2019-2021) of the working group Angiology in the German Society of Cardiology. Prof. Dr. Grigorios Korosoglou has received several prizes and institutional grants for experimental and clinical studies.
Influence of irregular heart rhythm on radiation exposure, image quality and diagnostic impact of cardiac computed tomography angiography in 4,767 patients.