Speaker illustration

Assistant Professor Siroon Bekkering

Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen (Netherlands (The))

Dr. Siroon Bekkering, obtained her Ph.D at the department of Internal Medicine in the Radboud University Medical Centre in Nijmegen, the Netherlands, under supervision of prof. Mihai Netea and prof. Niels Riksen. She specialised in the role of trained innate immunity in the development of Cardiovascular Disease, for which she received the Einthoven Dissertation Award in 2017. Her research includes translational studies both in humans in vivo as well as in vitro and is published in high impact journals such as Circulation and Cell. After her PhD, she obtained two personal grants: one to move to Melbourne, Australia, for a postdoc abroad at the Royal Children's Hospital, where she studied the role of trained immunity in CVD development in children with obesity and infections. The second grant brought her back to the Radboudumc where she now studies trained immunity in progenitor cells in the bone marrow. She recently obtained the 2019 Dutch National Postdoc award.

Functional and transcriptional differences in monocytes from children with obesity compared to children of healthy weight

Event: ESC Congress 2021 - The Digital Experience

Topic: Leukocytes, Inflammation, Immunity

Session: Transcriptomics and metabolomics to decipher cardiovascular disease


Trained immunity in atherosclerosis.

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Basic Science

Session: Experimental Insights into Ischemic Heart Disease: a Hard Plaque to Crack
