Speaker illustration

Mr Joao Nuno Rocha-Gomes

Faculty of Medicine University of Porto, Porto (Portugal)

As a graduate MD from the Faculty of Medicine of Porto University, his interest field focus on cardiovascular surgery, particularly CABG. During his medical training, has endorsed in a couple electives on institutions such as the 'St Bartholomew's Hospital', in London, and the 'Independent Public Central Clinical Hospital', in Warsaw. Has developed his current research project at the Cardiovascular R&D Centre from the University of Porto and aims to pursue an academic path on this field in the long-term. Taking into account his wide scope of interests, he has also channeled his spare time to other projects, particularly on a civic society level.

Early dual antiplatelet therapy versus acetylsalicylic acid monotherapy after CABG: propensity score analysis addressing survival and safety outcomes

Event: ESC Congress 2020

Topic: Coronary Arteries

Session: Cardiovascular Surgery ePosters
