Speaker illustration

Professor Antonio Zaza

University of Milan Bicocca, Milan (Italy)

Antonio Zaza graduated in Medicine in 1981 and was board certified in Cardiology in 1984. He was Postdoctoral research scientist in Pharmacology at Columbia University Medical School, New York, NY in 1986-88 He was Assistant Professor in Physiology at University of Milan 1990-1998 and at University Milano-Bicocca 1998-2000 He became Full Professor of Physiology at University Milano-Bicocca in 2000, where he currently chairs the post-graduate school in Sports Medicine In 2004-2006 he chaired the European Working Group of Cardiac Cellular Electrophysiology (EWGCCE) of which he is currently a member of the Nucleus In 2016-2017 he held the Hein J Wellens Visiting Professorship in Cardiology at CARIM- Maastricht University (NL) He is currently Deputy Editor for Basic Science of Europace and Associate Editor of Frontiers in Arrhythmias His field of work is cardiac cellular pathophysiology with a focus on the interaction between intracellular calcium dynamics and repolarization.

Young Investigator Award - Basic and Translational Science

Event: EHRA 2022

Topic: Basic Science

Session type: Award Sessions


Novel anti-arrhythmic therapies

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Arrhythmias

Session type: Moderated Posters


Gene and molecular therapies for cardiac arrhythmias and SCD


Topic: Molecular biology / genetics

Session type: Symposium


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