Speaker illustration

Doctor Graziano Sorvillo

San Giovanni di Dio and Ruggi d'Aragona University Hospital, Salerno (Italy)

Born in Naples(Italy) on 4 February 1985. Graduated cum laude in 2009 in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at University of Salerno, Italy. Graduated cum laude in 2018 in Medicine and Surgery at Univesity of Salerno, Italy. Actually he's a Cardiology resident at "San Giovanni di Dio and Ruggi D'Aragona" University Hospital - Salerno, Italy. Married with Carmela, they have two sons: Giovanni (3 years) and Alessandro (1.5 years). He likes sport and astronomy.

Implantable cardioverter defibrillator(ICD) explosion after gunshot: when device protects twice.

Event: ESC Congress 2022

Topic: Device Complications and Lead Extraction

Session: The unexpected twist in cardiology
