Speaker illustration

Doctor Jef Van den Eynde

University Hospitals (UZ) Leuven, Leuven (Belgium)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Jef Van den Eynde is an Internal Medicine resident and researcher at KU Leuven, Belgium. He has a particular passion for research, which he has started to cultivate since the 1st year of his medical studies. Through experiences in various laboratories, he has gained expertise in a number of research methodologies, ranging from in vitro techniques to clinical studies and meta-analyses. In 2021, Jef served as a Research Fellow at the Johns Hopkins Hospital, United States. Nowadays, most of his work is done at the Department of Cardiovascular Sciences, KU Leuven, Belgium. Although he keeps a broad interest in medicine in general, he has committed himself to improving the outcomes of those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. At the age of 25, Jef has already published >180 peer-reviewed manuscripts, served as a reviewer and editor for several journals, and been a speaker at conferences all over the world. His major assets are vision, resilience, and leadership.

Serum chloride and the response to acetazolamide in patients with acute heart failure and volume overload: a post-hoc analysis from the ADVOR trial

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Pharmacotherapy

Session: Acute, advanced and worsening heart failure: prognostic aspects
