Speaker illustration

Mr Pedro Marton Pereira

Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein, Sao Paulo (Brazil)

Pedro Marton Pereira is the CEO and Co-founder of ePHealth Primary Care Solution, he has 8 years of experience in Technology for Primary Health Care. He is graduated in Data Science and Informatics for Healthcare by de Institute of Research and Education Albert Einstein, also graduated in Business Administration by de Federal University of Santa Catarina. Pedro has large experience on Community Health Workers' technology implementation with local municipalities and governments, he has also developed the largest social media network for Community Health Workers in Brazil, called "Vida De ACS" (CHW's Life), and have spoken on TEDxSão Paulo about the importance of CHWs to the Health System.

ePHealth – A platform for data collection, delivery of population-based prevention strategies, large scale real-world evidence studies and innovative trial designs in cardiovascular diseases

Event: ESC Congress 2019

Topic: Risk Factors and Prevention

Session: m-Health in Risk Factors and Prevention
