Speaker illustration

Assistant Professor Biljana Parapid

Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade (Serbia)

Dr Parapid is Assistant Professor of Medicine at Belgrade University School of Medicine (BUSM) & Honorary Proctor W.Harvey Teaching Professor at Georgetown University School of Medicine (GUSM). She got part of her Medicine residency training at Georgetown (2004) & her Fellowship (2011) from Paris VII Diderot University’s Bichat hospital enabled her to help re-launch heart transplant program in Serbia in 2013. Her research interests include coronary anatomy (in particular myocardial bridges), atherosclerosis disparities & metabolic syndrome. Dr Parapid’s passion for women’s health & her activities with ACC – as WIC section Leadership Council member & founding Chair of WIC Intl WG – helped her make her med school dream come true: “Dr Nanette Kass Wenger” Women’s Heart Center’s opened its doors at BUSM in 2022 as first in the region, with AHA support as she’s bringing Go Red for Women to Serbia too. EuroIntervention SoMe awardee 2019, Dr Parapid can be followed @biljana_parapid

Sex differences in heart disease: mechanisms

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Cardiovascular Disease in Women

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Pregnancy: treatment and outcomes

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease

Session type: Moderated ePosters


Predicting and managing maternal cardiovascular risk during pregnancy

Event: ESC Congress 2023

Topic: Pregnancy and Cardiovascular Disease

Session type: Abstract Sessions
