Speaker illustration

Doctor Sebastiaan Bekkers

Bernhoven Hospital, Uden (Netherlands (The))

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology

Dr. Sebastiaan (Bas) C.A.M. Bekkers was born in 1967 in The Netherlands. He was a basic research fellow in the field of angiogenesis/arteriogenesis at Krannert Institute, IUPUI, Indianapolis, USA. He obtained a PhD degree at Maastricht University for investigating the characteristics of cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (CMR) in acute and chronic myocardial infarction (MI). He currently works as a clinical cardiologist at Maastricht UMC with a sub-speciality in CMR and echocardiography. His research is mainly focused on the role of cardiovascular imaging in acute coronary syndromes as well as chronic MI. He is chair of the working group CMR, CT, and nuclear cardiology of the Netherlands Society of Cardiology.

The nightmare of pericardium and masses: how can CMR help me?

Event: EuroCMR 2019

Topic: Cardiac Masses

Session type: Symposium
