Speaker illustration

Doctor Marco Ambrosetti

Maggiore Hospital of Crema, Crema (Italy)

Born in 1970, living in Milan, Italy. Two wonderful daughters. MD, specialization in Cardiology and Internal Medicine. Director, Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit, Crema Hospital, Italy. Member of the EAPC Secondary Prevention and Rehabilitation Section (Nucleus member 2014-2020). Chair of the 2020 EAPC position paper on cardiovascular rehabilitation writing committe. President of the ITalian Alliance for CArdiovascular REhabilitation and Prevention (ITACARE-P). Adjunct Professor of Exercise Physiology, Course of Physiotherapy, Humanitas University, Milan. h-index (lust update June 24, 2022): 23.

How to set up and run a cardiac rehabilitation programme (exercise part)

Event: EuroPrevent 2019

Topic: Exercise Programmes

Session type: Special Session


Prognosis and cost-effectiveness of cardiac rehabilitation

Event: ESC Congress 2016

Topic: Cardiovascular rehabilitation: interventions and outcomes

Session type: Moderated Posters
