Speaker illustration

Professor Florian Limbourg

Hannover Medical School, Hannover (Germany)

After medical school and experimental doctoral thesis, Prof. Limbourg completed residency training in Internal Medicine/Cardiology and board certification in Hannover, interrupted by a postdoctoral fellowship in Vascular Medicine Reseach at Harvard Medical School, Boston. Afterwards he became head of a junior reseach group at the Excellence cluster REBIRTH at Hannover Medical School. In 2012, he accepted the position as full professor for Vascular Medicine Research and Coordinator of the Hypertension Center at the Dept. of Nephrology and Hypertension at Hannover Medical School. His main clinical interest is diagnosis and treatment strategies for hypertension, including digital health applications. His basic science interest focuses on the cross-talk between blood vessels and inflammatory cells. He is married with two children.

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