Centro Hospitalar Universitário Lisboa Norte, Lisbon (Portugal)
Ana Catarina Fonseca is a neurologist and has a PhD in Medicine, from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon (2014). In 2014, she completed a Masters in Public Health from Harvard University (USA), having previously completed two masters: in Stroke Medicine at the University Danube Krems (Austria) and in Neurosciences at the University of Lisbon. She is a researcher at the Instituto de Medicina Molecular where she manages the stroke biobank collection, teaches Pharmacology and Neurology at the Faculty of Medicine - University of Lisbon and works in the stroke unit of Hospital de Santa Maria in Lisbon. She was vice-president of the Portuguese Neurological Society and is currently member of the Stroke Unit certification committee of the European Stroke Organization. Her main research interests are cryptogenic stroke, heart-brain interactions and precision medicine.