Speaker illustration

Ms Emeli Chatterjee

University of Calcutta, Kolkata (India)

Emeli Chatterjee, a Senior Research Fellow of Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), India. She is currently pursuing her PhD in University of Calcutta, India. Emeli is working on pathophysiological condition of retired athletes hearts.Her main area of interest is to find out the different molecular mechanism and signaling caascades responsible for different cardiac hypertrophy (i.e.pathological and physiological).She is working on the possible modulators of detarining related deleterious effects of heart in retired athletes.Moreover, a therapeutic intervention for treating the detrained hesrt is also a concern of her study.

Role of IGF1 in switching of PKC alpha to PKC delta resulting transition from physiological to pathological cardiac hypertrophy during exercise withdrawal

Event: ESC Asia with APSC & AFC

Topic: Cardiac Hypertrophy

Session: Poster Session Saturday 2
