Speaker illustration

Doctor Fraser Callaghan

Children's Hospital of Zurich, Zurich (Switzerland)

Dr Callaghan, PhD, is an engineer and scientist with over 15 years experience in biomedical modelling, simulation and research. As MRI Physicist at the Children's Hospital Zurich, Switzerland, Dr Callaghan assists radiologists, cardiologists and surgeons to apply the most accurate and up to date techniques in the field of MRI for the assessment of a variety of pathologies. Dr Callaghan's focus is MRI and fluid dynamics using tools such as 4D-flow MRI, computational fluid dynamics and advanced image analysis in translational research to advance the field of cardiac MRI.

Sensitivity of 3D phase contrast MRI flow measurements to background phase correction

Event: EuroCMR 2019

Topic: Flow Imaging

Session: Poster session 2
