Speaker illustration

Doctor Ana Ines Aguiar Neves

Hospital Center of Vila Nova de Gaia/Espinho, Vila Nova de Gaia (Portugal)

Member of:

European Society of Cardiology
Heart Failure Association

Left atrial volume by cardiac computerized tomography using 3D reconstruction prior to catheter ablation: correlation with echocardiography and clinical outcomes

Event: International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT 2024

Topic: Morphology, Dimensions, Volumes and Mass

Session: Poster session on cardiac computed tomography (2)


The impact of small peripheral vessels on transcatheter aortic valve implantation outcomes: assessing vascular complications and mortality risk in a high-volume centre

Event: International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT 2024

Topic: Computed Tomography Imaging of Structural Heart Disease

Session: Poster session on cardiac computed tomography (2)


Opportunistic coronary calcium screening in patients undergoing procedural planning for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation

Event: International Conference on Nuclear Cardiology and Cardiac CT 2024

Topic: Coronary Calcium

Session: Cardiac computed tomography (CT)


Patterns of cardiac remodeling following acute myocarditis: the value of repeating cardiac magnetic resonance imaging

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Myocarditis

Session: Myocardial disease - clinical 6


Opportunistic cardiovascular risk stratification using coronary artery calcium scoring in patients with heart failure and atrial fibrillation without known coronary artery disease

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Clinical

Session: Coronary artery disease / chronic coronary syndromes 2


Determining optimal timing of follow-up cardiac magnetic resonance after acute myocarditis

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Myocarditis

Session: ePosters in myocardial disease 3


Left ventricular remodeling in patients undergoing elective left main percutaneous coronary intervention

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Revascularisation

Session: ePosters in CAD - CCS - ACS 1


Catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation in patients with clinical heart failure: real-world experience from a tertiary centre

Event: Heart Failure 2024

Topic: Heart Failure in Atrial Fibrillation

Session: Atrial fibrillation 2


Fulminant course of takotsubo cardiomyopathy following COVID-19

Event: ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2024

Topic: Cardiogenic Shock

Session: Mastering acute cardiac care in the real world: challenging cases and clinical dilemmas II


Determining risk factors for vascular and bleeding complications after TAVR using CT angiography

Event: ESC Acute CardioVascular Care 2024

Topic: Coronary Computed Tomography Angiography (Coronary CTA, CCTA)

Session: Poster session 2
