Speaker illustration

Ms Ciara Mary McCormack

Dublin City University (DCU), Dublin (Ireland)

My name is Ciara Mc Cormack. I am a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and PhD researcher who specialises in chronic illness rehabilitation. In 2015 I graduated with a first class Honours Degree in Sports Science and Health from Dublin City University (DCU). During my undergraduate studies, I developed a keen interest in the use exercise as a treatment to improve health and quality of life in people with one or more chronic diseases. Following the completion of my undergraduate degree, I was offered and accepted a Master’s degree scholarship to work on the a project titled PATHway (Physical Activity towards Health), under the supervision of Professor Niall Moyna, an expert in Exercise Cardiology. PATHway is a technology enabled programme that is designed to promote home-based exercise in people with cardiovascular disease. More recently, I was offered a PhD scholarship.

Comparison of modifiable disease risk factors in men and women with low, moderate and high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness following completion of phase II cardiac rehabilitation

Event: EuroPrevent 2019

Topic: Exercise Programmes

Session: Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Exercise Testing
