My name is Ciara Mc Cormack. I am a Clinical Exercise Physiologist and PhD researcher who specialises in chronic illness rehabilitation. In 2015 I graduated with a first class Honours Degree in Sports Science and Health from Dublin City University (DCU). During my undergraduate studies, I developed a keen interest in the use exercise as a treatment to improve health and quality of life in people with one or more chronic diseases.
Following the completion of my undergraduate degree, I was offered and accepted a Master’s degree scholarship to work on the a project titled PATHway (Physical Activity towards Health), under the supervision of Professor Niall Moyna, an expert in Exercise Cardiology. PATHway is a technology enabled programme that is designed to promote home-based exercise in people with cardiovascular disease. More recently, I was offered a PhD scholarship.
Comparison of modifiable disease risk factors in men and women with low, moderate and high levels of cardiorespiratory fitness following completion of phase II cardiac rehabilitation
EuroPrevent 2019
Exercise Programmes
Cardiovascular Rehabilitation and Exercise Testing