University of Washington, Seattle (United States of America)
Dr. Alessandro Bertero is an Acting Assistant Professor at the University of Washington in Seattle, USA. During his undergraduate studies he trained with the late Prof. Guido Tarone at the University of Turin in Italy, where he investigated the Melusin signalling pathway in cardiac hypertrophy and obtained a BSci (2009) and an MSci (2011). Having being awarded a British Heart Foundation Graduate Fellowship, he joined the University of Cambridge in the UK where he obtained an MRes (2012) and a PhD (2016) by studying the mechanism by which TGF beta signalling controls early differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells in the laboratory of Ludovic Vallier. Dr. Bertero was then supported by an EMBO Long-Term Fellowship (2017) to perform his postdoctoral training with Prof. Charles Murry at the University of Washington. He became a junior faculty member in July 2019, and his current focus is the role of 3D chromatin organization dynamics during human cardiogenesis and in heart disease.