Speaker illustration

Doctor Oriane Chausiaux

Heartfelt Technologies Ltd, Cambridge (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Heartfelt Technologies (HT, 2015-...) and Cambridge Temperature Concepts (CTC 2005-15). Both developing telemedicine solutions to pressing healthcare needs. I am trained as a biologist with special interest in physiology. During my PhD, I studied the molecular mechanisms involved in male infertility. A direct result of that was the development of the technology behind CTC's flagship product, DuoFertility in 2009, sold in Boots. DuoFertility helps infertile patients to conceive naturally by providing continuous at-home fertility monitoring linked to expert support. In 2015 I started to work on another healthcare challenge: the monitoring of patients with heart failure, a condition costing the NHS 2% of its annual budget. My main focus has been to provide a non-invasive and compliance free solution for heart failure patients to help identify early signs of heart failure decompensation, and hope to ultimately prevent hospital admissions.

Initial evidence of a new telemonitoring device reliably capturing lower leg volume automatically over 15 months in the field

Event: Heart Failure 2021

Topic: Remote Patient Monitoring and Telehealth

Session: ePoster session
