Kawaguchi Cardiovascular and Respiratory Hospital, Kawaguchi (Japan)
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After completing medical school from Nippon Medical School (NMS) in Tokyo, Japan, Dr. Sato did his residency for two years at NMS and had trained cardiac catheterization and intervention for another three years. He had done basic research regarding heart failure under the direction of Prof. Stephen F. Vatner at the primate research center of Harvard Medical School for 4 years. He was the Melvin L. Marcus Young Investigator Award Finalist at 67th AHA Scientific Sessions and had The Samuel A. Levine award from AHA, Massachusetts affiliate. He conducted the largest acute heart failure registry (ATTEND) in Japan and works as a primary investigator for several HF trials including global trials. His clinical reseaches focus on heart failure. He used to work as Professor of Cardiovasuclar Medicine of Nippon Medical School. He works as the director of the board member of the Japanese Heart Failure Society and the vice-president of the Kawaguchi Cardiovascular and Respiratory Hospital.