Speaker illustration

Miss Ellie Quinn

Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospital, Harefield, Uxbridge (United Kingdom of Great Britain & Northern Ireland)

Ellie trained in Human Sciences at University College London (UCL), before gaining a Master's in Genetic Counselling at the University of Manchester. She has since worked in a research role at Great Ormond Street Hospital before specialising in Inherited Cardiovascular Conditions (ICCs); firstly at Barts Heart Centre, and then moving to the Royal Brompton Hospital. She has recently expanded her role to include providing genetic counselling for patients with inherited respiratory conditions, establishing a new service within this directorate. Ellie's research interests include the genetics of ICCs, with particular focus on cardiomyopathies. She is also a proponent of the modernisation of the genetic counselling profession through utilising technologies such as videoconferencing, apps and online platforms.

Remote genetic counselling provision for heart failure patients at a UK transplant centre

Event: ACNAP-EuroHeartCare 2022

Topic: Allied Professions in Cardiovascular Care

Session: ePoster session 2
